The Palm Beach Post from West Palm Beach, Florida (2024)

Eight THE PALM BEACH POST Wednesday Morning, May 27, 1942 Palm Beach County News WORK INCREASES AT RATION BOARD BELLE GLADE "Swamped" with applications the last week from both white and negro migrant workers for transportation to Eastern and Northern States where vegetable seasons are just beginning, Ration Board 6-8 put in long hours meeting the demand. This was done according to instructions from W. P. Sherman. State rational administrator, who had previously assured the itinerant workers transportation if they would remain in this section until the harvest season was over.

C. W. Scott, field representative of the Office of Price Administraof the gasoline rationing tion for nine Florida counties, visited the local office Friday for the purpose of assisting in interpretation of rules and regulations. According to Mr. Scott, the rationing program is just beginning, and other articles will be added from time to time, and though it is not possible at this time 1 to know "what might be on the program" a year from now, it is certain to be one of the largest governmental agencies.

The local board has recently moved, into new offices in the City Annex, and is expecting to receive OPA office equipment at an early date. Arthur Wells, board chairman, made the following announcements for the benefit of the public: Retail stores may accept either stamps or certificates for sugar purchases. Many home canners or institutional users, such as restaurants, and soda founts, will use certificates and make purchases from local retail stores. In making application for sugar for home canning, consumers are to apply by letter, presented by an adult family member, for five pounds annual allowance per person. Canners are told to bring Ration Books with applications, as certificate number must be filed with book number on application.

Emergency reserve of tires and tubes (applies only to Federal, State and county owned vehicles and common carriers operating under Interstate Commerce Commission certificate)-deadline for application has been extended from May 15 to June 15. Local boards are asked to report on retail and wholesale prices in each area, and Mr. Wells stated that it is hoped retailers and wholesalers will cooperate by leaving price lists of these commodities at the local rationing board office. The general maximum price regulation bulletin just received by the board provides for the filing with local boards of cost-of-livingitems. Groups which must file are listed as, merchandise stores, including department and variety stores, 1 food stores, hardware, furniture, drug stores, stores handling building equipment, and automobile parts and accessories.

Local rationing boards have also received bulletins asking for cooperation in the Department of Agriculture survey of farm tractor and implement inventories. Christian Service Society Will Meet BELLE GLADE. -The Woman's Christian Service Society of Community Methodist Church meet in all-day session Wednesday. Morning meeting will begin at 10 a. m.

at the parsonage, and a picnic luncheon will be served at 12:30. The afternoon meeting will be at the church, beginning at 2 p. m. Mrs. A.

J. Van Berku*ms, of First Methodist Church, West Palm Beach, district missionary director, will review study books. All members are urged to attend and the public is invited. Belle Glade Chosen Calendar WEDNESDAY City commission meets, 8:30 p. m.

Rationing Board meets local office, city hall annex, 10 a. m. Lions Club luncheon, Woman's Community Clubhouse, 12:15 p. m. Bible Study, Community Methodist Church, 7:30 p.

m. Prayer meeting, First Baptist Church, 8 m. Mid week service, Seventh Day Adventist Church. 8 p. m.

Wednesday service, First Church of Christ, Scientist, 8 p. m. Junior Woman's Club, annual dinner meeting and installation. Woman's Community Clubhouse, 7:30 p. m.

Woman's Christian Service Society, Community Methodist Church, 3 p. m. U. S. Public Health Clinic, Dr.

0. L. Kelley, physician in charge, American Legion, opens at 10 a. m. St.

Mary's Altar Society Sewing circle, meets Red Cross Center, 2 p. m. Pahokee Canal Point Calendar WEDNESDAY Rationing Board, city hall, 1:30 p. m. Junior Woman's Club, clubhouse.

3:30 p. m. Sunbeam Band, First Baptist Church, 4 m. Midweek prayer meetings, Point Pahokee Methodist Church. Canal Baptist and Methodist Churches, 8 p.

m. Sunday School Workers' Council, First Baptist Church, 8 p. m. Prayer service, Nazarene Church, 8:15 p. m.

Cholr practice, Methodist Church, 8:30 p. m. Evening prayer, First Baptist Church, BPOE Lodge m. 1638. Elks Home, 9 8:30 p.

p. Choir practice, First Baptist Church, m. 9 p. m. HOLD EVERYTHING 5-27 COPR.


OFF. "I've isolated one microbe, but the rest are bringing up reinforcements!" Crippled Children's Clinic Is Thursday BELLE GLADE. The regular clinic for crippled children of this area will be held Thursday, May 28, a at Town Hall. The clinic is under auspices of the Palm Beach County Crippled Children's Society, and is in charge of Mrs. 1 Audrey Lester, R.N.

The Belle Glade Chapter of the Crippled Children's Society is urging all persons of the Belle Glade-South Bay area to cooperate in bringing children to the clinic, or notifying members of needy cases, publicizing the clinic. and in every way possible assisting the chapter in this work. Hours are from 10 a. m. 'til 1:30 p.

m. Alternating Thursdays, Mrs. Lester will hold the clinic in Pahokee. Belie Glade BELLE GLADE Mrs. W.

R. Hooker, daughter Jean and son Robert left today for Blacksburg, to attend graduation exercises at Virginia Polytecnical Institute. Mrs. Hooker's son, John is a member of the senior class, receiving his degree in chemical engineering. He will also receive his commission as second lieutenant in the U.

S. Army Reserves. John graduated from Pahokee High School with the class of 1937. He served his company at V. P.

I. as captain this year and also completed the C. A. A. primary air course at the institute.

Boynton Beach Calendar WEDNESDAY Needlecraft Club meets with Mrs. J. B. Jones at the Jones Hotel, 2:30 p. m.

Red Cross knitting and sewing unit meets in Methodist Church annex. 1:30 to 4:30 p. m. Prayer and Praise service at the Bap tist Church, 8:15 p. Prayer service and Bible study, at the Methodist Church, 7:15 p.

choir practice, 8 p. m. Stuart Calendar WEDNESDAY Rotary Club luncheon in Chisholm's Grill. 12:15 p. m.

Troop 1, Boy Scouts, meets in Log Cabin. 7:30 p. m. St. Lucie River Yacht Club meets In Oughterson building, 8 p.

m. Prayer meeting In Baptist Church. 7:30 p. choir practice follows. Prayer meeting in Methodist Church.

7:30 p. m. Choir practice follows. Delray Beach Calendar WEDNESDAY Anniversary party of the Philathea Class of First Baptist Church. WMU luncheon at First Baptist Church at noon.

Bookworm Club meets at War Center at 2:30 p. m. Meeting follows at home of Mrs. Robert L. Britt.

Boy Scout meeting at Legion Hall. 7:30 p. m. Just Want To Help MISSION, Texas, May Mr. and Mrs.

E. Billings are known around Moore Field as the missionaries, but they don't do any preaching. It's the way they spend their evenings. Every day about 5:30 p. m.

they begin hauling loads of Air Corps men either to Mission, 15 miles from camp, or to McCallen, 20 miles, in their pick-up truck. Later they return the men to camp, sometimes making the last trip as late as 2:30 a. m. It's all free. "We just want to help all we can," explains Billings, a railroad conductor.

On The Screen Today through Saturday: "Tortilla Flat." Spencer Tracy, Hedy 3, 5:05, 7:10, 9.10 m. ARCADE Last times today: "Fiesta," Antonio Moreno, George Givot. 1, 3:35. 6:05, 8:35 p. Courtship of Andy Mickey Rooney, Lewis Stone, 1:55, 4:25.

7, 9:30 p. m. PALACE Last times today: Olsen Johnson, Martha Raye, 1, 4. 7, 10 p. "Texas William Holden, Glenn Ford.

2:25. 5:25. 8:25 p. m. PARK Last times today: "Call Out the Victor McLaglen.

Edmund Lowe, 6, 8:50 p. "Design for Scandal." Rosalind Russell, Walter Pidgeon, 7:05, 10 p. LAKE (Lake Worth) Today, Thursday: "True to the Army, Judy Canova, Allan Jones. Everything Is Ready! You're invited to the House Warming See Page 3 BOYS' CLUB PRESENTS ROTARY CLUB PROGRAM The West Palm Beach Boys' Club gave a varied entertainment at the Rotary Club luncheon Tuesday in the Hotel George Washington. TRacts explained Riggs, Boys' purposes Club of presi- the club, particularly that of building good citizens, and spoke with pride of its contributions to civilian defense.

Ralph Widell, secretary-treasurer, outlined its athletic activities, stating that since this country entered the war an additional objective is to prepare members to be good soldiers. Lewis Hooker played the violin, and Norman Nelson the trumpet. M. H. C.

Brombacher, chairman of the Rotary Boys Work-Youth Service Committee, in charge the program, told of work Rotarians have done in vocational guidance and co-operation with the High School athletic council this year. Boys' Club members were introduced by N. W. Mizell. John Budge, president, presided.

Ralph Pinder led club singing. with Lillian Brown Kuppers at the piano. WOMAN WANTED HERE IS BELIEVED FOUND A trail of worthless checks, beginning here last February, apended Tuesday in Saraparently, the reported arrest of Mary Louise Wassen, alias Mary' Louise Snyder. County Solicitor W. E.

Roebuck was notified Tuesday by State Attorney Clude Wilson at Sarasota that the woman, wanted there for forgery and embezzlement. the same one whose picture was forwarded by Palm Beach County, wanted here for forgery. After she is in Sarasota, she is to be returned here for trial. Roebuck said. She is also sought in Beach on similar charges, added.

Daytona, According to the solicitor, the Wassen woman is charged with forging more than $1,000 worth of checks here. obtaining jewelry, groceries, clothing: first establishing credit through use of the name of a woman well-known in Daytona Beach. In Sarasota she is alleged to have used a Delray Beach name. An information charging forgery of a $50 check was filed here in criminal court Feb. 16.

TRANSPORT INDUSTRY WILL ORGANIZE HERE Business groups in St. Lucie, Martin, Dade, Broward and Monroe Counties will send representatives here this week to organize an East Coast transportation association, with its first objective the seeking of a delay of 15 to 30 days in enforcement of Office of Defense Transportation delivery regulations. Tentative date for the meeting is Thursday, E. F. Stumpf, Chamber of Commerce secretary, who made the announcement, said.

It is believed, he added, that in time it will be possible to work out a plan, taking account of East Coast conditions, which will accomplish the government's purpose of conserving rubber and gasoline with a minimum disruption of business in the area. The association would remain in existence to deal with other problems as they arise. Liggett Employes To Be Given Bonds More than 200 Liggett Drug Company employes from Maine to Texas, with 25 years or more of continuous service, are each to receive a. $25 War Bond, according to information received by J. L.

Jarvis, manager of the local Liggett Store. Somebody Was Missing ST. JOSEPH, May 26. (P)- A telegram from the War Department came to the home of Mr. and Mrs.

E. C. Mayfield today telling them their son. Don, was missing in action on Bataan. But they weren't alarmed--the message was opened by Don himself.

He had been on the peninsula in a tank battalion but had been sent home becaus of illness before Bataan fell. Psychologist CLEVELAND. May The street department put up a detour sign while repairmen were doing a resurfacing job, but motorists didn't pay much attention to the warning. A foreman solved the problem by erecting a substitute sign which reads: "Good Americans will detourdamn Japs won't." Everybody is detouring now. MORE THAN HE CAN EAT DEXTER, May 26.

George Ward, farmer, doubts that the thief who stole his chickens will enjoy eating them. Ward found the upper plate of false teeth which the thief lost in the chicken house. LAKE WORTH NOTES WILBUR ROYCE, Post-Times Correspondent Phones: Day 461 Circulation and News Night 380-J BAPTIST WMU CIRCLES HOLD REGULAR MEETS LAKE WORTH -McLure circle of the Baptist WMU met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. C.

Cook, No. St. Mrs. W. E.

Crocker, chairman, presided and Mrs. H. O. King reviewed a chapter on the book prayer in connection with the devotions. Mrs.

C. H. Harrod, program chairman, announced plans for the Royal Service program June 2. Mrs. J.

H. Snow offered the closing prayer. The next circle meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Crocker. Refreshments were served to Mrs.

H. O. King, Mrs. J. H.

Snow. Mrs. W. E. Crocker, Mrs.

H. M. Woodward, Mrs. W. E.

Nickerson, Mrs. L. L. Lamar, Mrs. C.

H. Har- rod and Mrs. C. C. Cook.

GRAVES CIRCLE Mrs. A. B. Yelvington tained the Graves Circle at her home on S. J.

St. H. D. McIntosh presided and Mrs. Mary Swift gave the devotionals.

Mrs. H. N. Britton was elected stewardship chairman, succeeding Mrs. R.

B. Donald. Mrs. C. C.

Price gave the closing prayer. Mrs. C. C. Price will entertain the circle June 30.

The hostess served refreshments to Mrs. Price, Mrs. McIntosh, Mrs. Swift, Mrs. S.

S. Lines, and Mrs. Britton. Wesleyan Service Guild Meets At Exline Home LAKE WORTH. Wesleyan Service Guild of Calvary Methodist Church met Monday night at the home of Mrs.

J. W. Exline, 531 N. with Mrs. Nan Latimer as co-hostess.

Miss Nelle Barker, president, presided, and the devotions, "For the Facing of This were given by Mrs. Carolyne Eller. The study book, "The Seed and the Soil," were reviewed by Mrs. Faye Menoher. It was voted to have a picnic June 1 at 6:30 p.

m. at the Casino, with officers serving as hostesses. Beginning in September, meetings will be held on the fourth Monday of each month in the Pritchard room of the church. Hostesses served refreshments to Mrs. Carolyne Eller, Mrs.

Mae Gill, Mrs. Alberta Gregory, Miss Mae Lines, Miss Nelle Barker, Mrs. Faye Menoher, Mrs. Vera Smith and Mrs. Sue Selleck.

Altar Society Holds Weekly Bridge Party LAKE WORTH. Mrs. A. J. Buchman and Miss Bessie Ward were hostesses at the Altar Society of Sacred Heart Church weekly bridge party Tuesday at the Woman's Clubhouse.

Plans were made to form a first aid class, with registrations to be completed before the next party. High scores were held by Mrs. J. A. Heath and Mrs.

Margaret Fitzgerald. Others attending were Miss Rose Marie Babione, Miss Pat Buchman, Mrs. J. A. Heath, Mrs.

J. B. Foley, Mrs. Margaret Fitzgerald and Mrs. Robert A.

Hall. Girl Scouts Admit Two New Members LAKE WORTH. Norma Jean Commeford and Gay Bal were admitted into Troop 3, Girl Scouts, at its meeting Monday. Carolyn Frazell opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and the Girl Scout Promise. Nineteen Scouts attended and the meeting closed with Indian benediction and the singing of taps.

Civil Defense Workers Will Meet Tonight LAKE WORTH. A general meeting of civilian defense workers of district 2 will be held tonight at 8 p. m. at headquarters at N. St.

and 10th Ave. Claude L. McCoy, assistant air raid warden for the council area, will be in charge and a discussion and lecture by the gas casualty squad, F. M. Power, leader, will be a feature.

Deaths And Funerals Mrs. Harriett Hicks LAKE Funeral services for Mrs. Harriett Hicks, 53, were held Tuesday afternoon at Smith Funeral Home Chapel under direction of the Rev. U. E.

Reid, pastor of First Baptist Church. Members of Lake Worth Chapter 111, OES, had charge of services at the grave in Pinecrest Cemetery. Mrs. Hicks, wife of Dr. Claude E.

Hicks, died Saturday at her home at 603 Royal Palm after a six months illness. Lake Worth Notes A. Leland Garnett, 231 N. and Webb Conn, 506 leave Thursday for Key West to report for duty in the Naval Reserve. Ed Warren, 331 S.

leaves Friday. Finest Nite Club in the Palm Beaches NITE MIKE'S CLUB FLOOR SHOWS DANCING NIGHTLY Service Men's Mothers Club Host At Party LAKE Men's Mothers' Club entertained wives and sweethearts of service men with a social meeting Monday night at the Dugout. The program presented by Mrs. G. F.

Ashley included: Gloria Nelson, military tap dance; Jimmy Catledge, military dance; Amelia Lauger, novelty acrobatic dance; Helen Anderson, toe ballet; Beverly Peterson, song and rhythm tap; Gloria Nelson, waltz tap; Donna Jean Exline, ballerina; Virginia Sullivan, baton tap; Joan Lee, control acrobatics; Gloria Nelson, tambourine soft shoe dance. Piano accompanists were Mrs. Dorothy Davis, of Chalfonte Studio, and Rose Marie Bieshier, of Grace Thomas Studio. Mrs. Sidney T.

Rowley, sponsor for the Service Men's Wives Club, presented Pvt. Tommy Moers. Pvt. Nat Kantor, Pvt. Gene Zukerman, Pvt.

Bob Osborn, Sgt. Walter Schmidt, Pvt. Clair Dietz, all of Morrison Field, in several musical numbers. Mrs. Rowley also presented Miss Effie Jane Trumbull, SOprano, who sang, "Blue Danube Waltz" with variations; "Sweethearts," "Maytime" and "Naughty Marietta." The soldiers then joined Miss Trumbull in a patriotic medley.

Mrs. Irma Nelson White presented the soldiers with gifts. A games party was held following the program. Present were Mrs. R.

W. Craig, Mrs. R. H. Allred, Mrs.

James Kirby, Mrs. W. A. Taylor, Mrs. Clyde H.

Kennedy, Mrs. R. R. Marshall, Mrs. John B.

Davis, Mrs. E. L. Gerock, Mrs. John Earl Stubblefield, Mrs.

Frank Satala, Mrs. James Foster Trinidad, Mrs. Huber Fleming, Mrs. Sydney T. Rowley, G.

Peterson, Mrs. O. D. Cammerbeke, Mrs. R.

E. Jarvis, Mrs. George Waddell, Mrs. G. F.

Ashley, Henrietta Jenkins, Mrs. Eva Bagg, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Anderson, Mrs. W.

R. Jackson, Mrs. Sue Mattoon, Mrs. A. E.

Raidle. Mrs. Harriette Brown, Mrs. W. W.

Ripper, Mrs. Irma Nelson White, Mrs. W. H. Neahusan, Mrs.

R. L. Dermott. Mrs. A.

E. Fritz, Mrs. C. L. Eaton, Mrs.

J. Rosenbloom, Mrs. George Reynolds, Mrs. E. Crimmett, Mrs.

Merton LeRoy, Mrs. J. M. Twohey, Mrs. M.

E. Hawkins, Mrs. A. W. Godfrey, and Mrs.

E. A. Lee. CALENDAR WEDNESDAY Auxiliary firemen. Groups 1 and 2.

Advanced fire course, fire dept. Capt. Ernest Grose, 8 p. m. District 2 general meeting.

all divisions at district headquarters 10th No. and St. Discussion and lecture by gas casualty squad under F. M. Power.

8 p. m. Auxiliary police, all districts. new class. Commissioner's room, city hall.

Officer W. E. Powell. 8 p. m.

Gas and bombs. Class 2. mop-up course, fire Capt. Grose. 8 p.

m. The basis of all such tissues on animals and humans as claws, feathers, hair, and horns, is a sub- Uncle Shows 'Em JACKSONVILLE, May 26. (P) An impressive demonstration of aerial might was staged by Uncle Sam today for defense representatives of 17 Western Hemisphere republics. The earth trembled to the roar of motors as wave after wave of powerful bombers and speedy, lethal fighter planes overhead at the Jacksonville Naval Air Station. The exact number of planes in the demonstration was not anonunced, but the Navy permitted disclosure that more than 250 were in the air at one time.

One fighter formation alone contained 150 planes. Dozens of other ships were parked about the station for inspection of the officials, members of the InterAmerican Defense Board. MAN ADMITS DRIVING CAR THAT HIT TWO Floyd A. Shields, of St. Petersburg, employed by the Webber Electric Co.

at Camp Murphy, reported to police Tuesday afternoon that he was driving the car that struck Mrs. Helen Phillips, 311 5th and I. D. McGilvery, Military Trail, Tuesday night near the former's home. Police who investigated the accident reported that McGilvery was assisting Mrs.

Phillips after his truck had knocked her down, when another car hit them and drove on. Mrs. Phillips was taken to Good Samaritan Hospital, where her condition was reported to be satisfactory last night. charges have yet been placed against either driver. Police Court Tuesday morning's session of municipal court lasted only long enough for Judge Ad Litem F.

A. Currie to order two bonds forfeited. Nathaniel Cooper, negro, arrested on a vagrancy charge, had posted a $10 bond and Miles Stevens, negro, charged with drunkenness, had up a bond of $7.50. The New rare OKEECHOBEE BAR AND LOUNGE 630 Okeechobee Road Wine co*cktails Dancing Dining Italian Spaghetti Chicken, Chow Mein Tasty Toasted Sandwiches COMPLETE PACKAGE DEPARTMENT KEEP' IN THE TERRACE NEW AIR-CONDITIONED ROOM COOL Dine Floor Shows Dance HOTEL GEORGE WASHINGTON DINING ROOM DANCING Serving The EVERY NIGHT TO THE MUSIC BY BILL BOSTON and FINEST FOODS his BOSTONIANS NO NEW Floor Show NO COUVERT Sparkling MINIMUM -Sophisticated -Smart ANTONIO ALEIDA "Tops" in Ballroom, JOHN HALE Rumba and Conga Specialties The Original TEXACO Hour co*cktail Hour 6:00 to 7:00 Daily (N. B.

TENOR Free Hors d'oeavres during -Master of Ceremonies- co*cktail Hour SHOWING AT 10:30 and 12:30 CITY IN NEW MOVE IN TAX LITIGATION LAB Annual Family Picnic Held By Entre Nous LAKE WORTH. Entre Nous held its annual family picnic Monnight at Sunset Ridge Park. Attending were Chief and Mrs. R. N.

Hershey, Mr. and Mrs. E. MeChesney, Mr. and Mrs.

Merle Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Erskine, Mr.

Stears, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. en Engram, and Mrs.

Earl J. Reed, Dr. and Mrs. A. L.

Rowe, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Barton, Mr.

and Mrs. T. E. Reed, Mr. and Mrs.

Bruce Barton, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Propst, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Herndon, Mr.

and Mrs. Ray Ruyle, Mrs. Paul John Jack Stears, Engram, Martha Wil- Neil lard. Earlyn Reed, Diana Barton. Evelyn Jo Hershey and Barbara McChesney, Kathleen Erskine, Barbara Reed, Tommy Ruyle and Marvin and Larry Herndon.

Children's Art Classes Attracting Interest LAKE WORTH. Interest is being shown in the proposed art classes for children to be held at the city library, judging from registrations, W. E. Menoher announced Tuesday. The class, open to 16 to 20 children, will meet Tuesday afternoons from 2 to 5 p.

m. in the patio and museum of the city library. J. Clinton Shepherd, of Norton School of Art, will teach pencil, and water color art. Drawcrayon boards will be furnished by the Lake Worth unit of the Palm Beach Art League, and students will furnish other materials.

Registrations may be made at the city library, or with Mrs. Menoher at 803 Lake Ave. Words And Phrases Meets With Member LAKE WORTH. Words and Phrases met Monday night at the home of Mrs. Roy MacMenigall, N.

St. S. J. Schlappich read a paper on "Writing the Short Story," the final in a series of articles on this work, and then presented an original short story. Due to war conditions it was voted to hold future meetings only on the first Monday of the month.

The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. Schlappich, 525 1st Ave. S. Lake Worth Civilian: Defense Council WEDNESDAY Rotary Club meets at Seminole Inn. 12:15 p.

m. Midweek services of First Baptist Church 7:30 p. m. Christian Science meeting at church, 4 p. m.

Midweek praye: service, Free Methodist Church. 7:30 p. m. First Presbyterian Church prayer meeting. 7:30 m.

Midweek service, First Christian meeting. 7.45 p. m. Cub Scouts meet: Den 1, at home of Mrs R. McKinney.

907 North 3:45 Den 2 at home of Mrs. Marvin James. 703 North Lakeside 3 p. Den 4 meets at home of Mrs. William Dugger, 822 South 3:15 p.

m. Calvary Methodist Church prayer meeting 7:30 p. m. Red Cross Sewing and Knitting. Legion Home.

10 a m. to 4:30 p. m. Carl Vogel Post 47, American Legion, meets at legion home, 8 p. m.

Woman's Club holds benefit games party, Clubhouse. 1:30 p. m. Junior Woman's Club annual Mother and Daughter banquet Seminole Inn, 7 p. m.

Specially stamped form postcards are being used by men in the United States Navy. Possibly such forms will be issued for other branches of the armed forces also. A motion to amend the final decree in the suit of the Novo Company, a Florida corporation, against John W. Martin, et al, in which the city was a party defendant, was filed in the circuit clerk's office Tuesday by City Attorney Paul W. Potter.

According to the motion, the decree, entered Feb. 16, 1940, held that the plaintiff's tax liens were superior to the city's tax liens. This provision was held in the motion to be contrary to nine decisions of the Florida Supreme Court. The court is asked in the motion to amend decree to provide that the finally tax liens "are of equal dignity" with plaintiff's tax liens. FLORIDA STATE THEATRES I 'Citizens wherever wk Daily PHONE 35c-6 1-11 FLORIDA 7524 Plus Tar STARTS TODAY John Steinbeck's Racy Novel Is Full of Fun and Fire on the Screen! Garner TRACK LAMARR GARFIELD VICTOR FLEMING'S STEINBECK'S Production TORTILLA with FLAT FRANK MetroMORGAN PICTURE Mayer AKIM TAMIROFF SHELDON LEONARD JOHN QUALEN DONALD MEEK CONNIE GILCHRIST ALLEN JENKINS HENRY O'NEILL Daily PHONE 35c-6 1-11 6872.

Inc. ARCADE Tax LAST TIMES TODAY "Courtship of Andy Hardy" with Mickey Rooney -added Starring Movita and Antonio Moreno Daily PALACE PHONE 5880 Plus 1-11 Tar LAST TIMES TODAY "HELLZAPOPPIN" with Olsen and Johnson Martha Raye-Hugh Herbert -added hit Starring Wm. Holden Glenn Ford Today PHONE 20e 6-11 5010 Tax PARKE Plus LAST TIMES TODAY ROSALIND RUSSELL and Walter Pidgeon in "DESIGN FOR SCANDAL" Out The Marines" with Victor McLaglen Daily PHONE 35c to 6 3-11 LIN 89. Tax Incl. LAKE TODAY--TOMORROW JUDY CANOVA FLORIDA'S OWN COMEDIAN ALLAN JONES in "True To The Army" You work better refreshed BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY BOTTLING OF WEST PALM BEACH 504 Railroad Ave.

Phone 5457.

The Palm Beach Post from West Palm Beach, Florida (2024)
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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

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Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.