Rutland Daily Herald from Rutland, Vermont (2024)


Roland M. Audy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Audy of Danby, has completed four weeks of jump training at the Parachute School at Ft Bennlng, Ga, and is now quali ficd to wear the Boots and Wings' of theyU. S.

Army Paratroops, ac cording to a recent Army release. ents LynnJ Minister an son Man in' Hospital Sepajatjf Mishaps. and Two jperedns wejre receiving treat ment at the 'Rutland hospital last night for injuries sustained In traffic accidents in this area over' the week-end The injured were the Rev. Ivan Mortdn I of who sustained al severe' cut of the wrist In an accident at i East Clarendon Sat acc; 1 GOOD FOOD ALWAYS THE bpOT THE DINER CENTER STREET mm Salvage Work Will Continue in These Lines Through September, at Least. Paper and tin) salvage will continue through September with a house-to-house collection of tin cans scheduled to take place in Rutland soon and with! paper collections being conducted by the schools for the I remainder of the month, according to Frank A.

Vennett, chairman of the local salvage committee. The shipping date for tin carts will be September 30, Vennett said, with the house-to-house collection taking place sometime prior to that date. with tin (cans for salvage are requested to hold them until announcement of the collection date. 1 I The shipping date for tin cans coincides with the end of the state salvage program as anonunced last week from Montpelier by John O. Bayendale, executive secretary of the Vermont Salvage committee.

In farewell letter to salvage committees. Baxendale stated that salvage activities after September 30 would be taken over by other ay I 3eiu wi jjhesi he was, hit by a Icar on South urdayi afternoon and Dana Bemor of IBenscjn, a pedestrian, whose right leg wad fractured in, two places a la in street, pear the fairgrounds. Save your ration stamps youll like the style and quality of these mart novelties. In black, brown and patent. Pumps and sandals with spike and enhan heels.

John Anthony Fox, chief petty officer in ihe United States Nvy, who Is a son of Mr. and Mrs.cCharles Fox of Forest street. Is shown above, cutting a Cake which was presented to him on board the Destroyer Erlcsson on the occasion of his promotion to chief. Fox volunteered for service In 1940 and has been a member of the erew.of the Ericsson ever since he went to the Pacific. ADVERTIsem*nT NEW YORK 'Cfcfi CLOTHING CO.

1 The clergyman wasl riding in car operated by his wife, when the vehicle, travelling north, struck the side of a bridge, and then swerved across the road hitting the guard rail on the (other fide -of the highway. He was taken to the hospital where he 1st being treated by Dr. J. J. Tomasi.

The accident was in vest! gated by the State Motor Ve hicle department The minister and his wife en route to Iowa when the "cifash! occurred. The BensOn man was hit by a car owned and, operated by Frank Stevens Of North, Clarendon, trav elling south! on South Main street, opposite jthe Howard garage. Ber-nor was taken to the hospital in an ambulance! where he was placed in care of Dr. James Reedy. The physician said that both bones of the right leg were fractured.

Police Chief Harold S. Potter and Officer Reginald Noe investigated. NOTICE TO PROPERTY Birthday Flight Benson Elk Clambake' Dravs Over 300 Persons! Stock's Scrap will be collected village Wlednesday si in Benson p. ho cannot be! behind 7 Kidder A Co, member of tho New I captains in their districts: South I ij i Most enthusiastic Off all of the persons who went for plane I rides from the Rutland airport in Clarendon over the weekend 'was Mrs. Charles Smith of Plttsford, who marked her 87th I I ger; Howard Hill, B.

ifWalker; (CLOSING) Sept. 7 Sept. North, Mrs. Guy Gates; Bump, Gra Forecast icrican Can 104 104 Carey. I Those In the districts (Famished through the courtesy! bring scrap to the shed of the Rutland branch of A.

M.J. I Williamsons store, should notify York Stock Exchange; John E. Aiken, Mrs. Riva local manager.) Wilcox; Stony Point, Arnold Mun American Car Fdy 60V4 61 Mr. land Mrs.

Fred Davis of Ches- 36V4 of Ludlow visited Mrs. Inez Nicker-16 I son. 87vi hi Middlebury 34 Mrs. Edward Sears, who has been 68 recuperating at her daughters home merican Loco Amer Water Works Amer Tel Sc Tel Amer Tobacco Amer inc Lead Anaconda Copper Atchison, Top Sc 36 16 87 7 34 89 merican Fgn Pwr 5V 3 Vi Her and Mr. and Mrs.

Norris Davis 2000 ATTEND WINDSOR COMPANY OUTING.1 i I (Special to The Herald.) WINDSOR, i Sept 9. Over 2000 persons, employes and their families attended the Windsor Manufacturing) corporation field day today which was highlighted by contests. Winners of some of the events follow: Hammond; baseball I throw, Alex Wishinski, men, and Hilda Rash, women; golf shot, Albert Schuman, men, Dorothy Cummings, women; horseshoe pitching; George Graves. The soft-ball game was won by members of the production department team. Saturdays Temperatures ept- Year Age High 90 eg Low 58 56 Weather conditions: Clear, Over 300 tended the annual clambake he the Rutland Elks lodge at the Billings barn on South Main street Festivities which began at 11 oclock in the morning Went on into the late afternoon with guests partic-1 ipating In such i sports as softball and horseshoes.

Light refreshments Were served at 11 oclock and dinner iat 2:30 oclock. The menu Included clams, clam broth, chicken, lobster, corn, and ice cream. The bake was put on SLpt'u 7 i'RoscmatyThoms6n And Members of the clambake com-'' rTrr I TTr mltfee were Freeman Plue, XTCIiCrilSn WCu Charles J. Rielle, Thomas B. Me- Devitt, Hariand D.

McKirryher, 111 Church CcrCIHOnV Percival D. Alexander and Howard! H. Manley. Manley was also chairman of the entertainment committee for the afternpon. birthday by taking her first trip in an airplane.

The flight was in the form of a birthday present from her son, Harry Smith, plttsford lumberman. Returning from a tour over the city, Mrs. Smith re- I marked that she would return for another ride on a clearer day, because she wanted to circle over Pittsford and look over the town from the air. I i i i 1 i Miss Rosemary Thomsondaugh ter of Mr. and Mrs.

Milton W. expected that fat on under the United States Department pf Agriculture, while paper salvage will be under Industrie sponsorship. 7 -1 Miss Helen Castle Bride of C. Bliss 1 I In Church Ceremony Misi Helen 1 Elizabeth A Castle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs William A.

Castle of Sargent avenue, became the bride of James Charles Bliss, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Bliss of West Rutland, during a nuptial mass celebrated by the Rev. L.

Albert Vezina at the Sacred Heart of Mary (church Saturday morning at 9 -oclock, The bride, who was attended by her sister, Mrs. Walter W. Randall of this city, (wore a gown of white silk jersey with I shoulder length veil and carried a colonial bouquet of i roses and babys breath. The matron of honor wore a gown of aqua isilk jersey with matching half-hat and carried a colonial bouquet of Talisman roses. Corner.

John J. Brown, USNR, of Bellerose, was best man, and JOhn Dupee of Rutland and Francis L. Mumford of West Rutland were the Mrs. Irene Eno presided at the organ and Francis i A. Ryan was soloist.

A wedding breakfast for the immediate families was held at the Hotel Berwick, following by a reception at the home of the bride. The bride Is a graduate of Mount Brand City Treasurers Office. September 1, IMS Notice is hereby given that the tax bUl for the property taxes (both real and personal) assessed upon the grand list of the City of Rutland for the year of IMS, has been placed In the City Treasurers hands for collection, and taxpayers are respectfully called upon to pay said taxes within FORTY DAYS FROM DATE OF THIS NOTICE. TAX LEVY, 1M5 Education 148 Cents Bend Payment 60 Cents Highways 20 Cents Library 10 Cents Playgrounds 10 Cents Sinking Fund 03 Cents County 0194 Cents 177 Cents TOTAL CITY TAX 4.30 AFTER OCTOBER 10TH there will be added to each unpaid tax a penalty of 5. 10 cents forth collection warrant, and the Constables fees for collection; and after 90 days from October 10th thetfe will be a further addition, of 194 each 90 days until the tax, fees and addition are paid.

Aviation Coup I Baldwin Certfs Baltimore Ohio Balimore Sc Ohio, Pfc. Bendix Aviation Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Briggs Mfg Co Canadian pacific Case, I Cerro De Pasco Chesapeake Sc Ohi Chrysler Commercial Inv Tr Consol Ed of NiY Del Lack Sc West Del Sc Hudson Du Pont I Eastman Kodak Elec Erie Ctfs General Electric General Foods General Motors Goodrich on Mr. and Mrs. John Xnapton nd two sons have returned to Spring-field, after visiting her mother, Mrs. Martin Ketcham, A 1 Mr.

and Mrs Roy Adame end daughter of Herkimer, N. were guests at the Edvard Miner home. Pfc. George Dinn of the Thornes England hospital In Atlantic City is home on 30 days furlough. Miss Madeline Therrien of St Alans, Miss Julia E.

FSeury of 'Oyster Bay, LL and Miss Elizabeth Doohn of Pennsylvania, new teachers. are living with. Mra. Bi Cook. I Mrs.

Allen Hilton, who has tahj to in Brigham City, Utahj to be near 1 I Use Cyanogas Ant Killer -I1 if I' I Instead of trying to poiaon a few ants, clean ont the whole with a pinch of Cy-. It I is heavier than air, gas which penetrates all the cells and no ants escap'e. Comes ii a handy can with a pouring spout. Perfectly safe to use and costs 30c for enough to last a couple of I JYV4V, have Oyanogu in larger containers for the Thomson of Lincoln avenue, became Jthe bride of Capt. Edward M.

IJef-j fern an, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward V. Heffernan of Braintree, Mass, at Chiirch of Christ the King Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The cere mony was performed by the Rev.

J. Kennedy, pastor. The altar was decorated with white gladioli and balms. Thieves broke into the1 Sunoco Th brlde escorted by her father, filling station at 2 South Main 7blt a tulle street early yesterday, smashed anlYv1. cb trpm a halo of os-electric cash register and a gum v.j Sh carried white or- niachine and made off wath a small v18 and Mr- Richard A.

amount of cash and a carton of cig- An, reon of B-arre, a former class-arettes, it was learned7 yesterday Rutlarid lligh school, land when the operator of the station, Clarence E. fa*gan of Rutland, Arthur G. Jordan, opened the place fr bride, were her at- for business about 9 oclock. tendants. They were attired In vio-Police Officer Quincy M.

Biaker, lt illa ownj5 and their bouquets who investigated, reported that en- istd American Beauty roses, trance had apparently been gained Stephen Scudder of Palmer, Mass. whs best The ushers were through a rear door. Neighbors re- her husband is home. I Cpl. Hilton, is at Fort Devens awaiting his discharge.

ft I Mrs. Herbert Brown and atm, Herbert, jrwiU return to Closter, N. Saturday after gueuta of Vfrs. William Damon, Mra Brown will! be remembered Miss Elsie Graves. I 1 Mr, and Mrs, Ray Clifford of 1 Framingham, have been visiting here and in Bristol.

Taxes will be received at the office of the City Treasurer In City Hall building dally, except Sunday, from 8:30 oclock A. M. to 5:00 F. and on Monday evenings from 7:00 to 8:00 oclock. Office closed Saturday afternoons.

MARE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO CITY OF RUTLAND, VT. BRING YOUR TAX NOTICE YOU! Taxpayers are requested to save THEMSELVES AND OTHERS much inconvenience BY MAKING PAYMENTS as EAR-LY AS POSSIBLE instead of waiting for the last day. T. P. ROBERTS, City Treasurer.

6 29 20 33. 1 56 84 23 47 15 43 37 52 14 58 31 ,12 43 179 187 13 16 48 45 74 63) 52 i I I 25 17 51 91 34 30 25 34 130 38 13 29 27 59 27 I 68 21 I 32 44 28 1 7 34 19 38 26 47 23 58 16 25 121 16 16 45 40 62 52 29 20 27 67 47 35 48 58 54 Collins Bakery closed beginning Monday; Sept. 10th until Oct. 1st, dueto shortage of materials, sdv. I DANBY 7 after an operation, returned home 28 yesterday.

20 Dr. and Mrs. Albert S. Eastman 33 visited his sister, Mrs. F.

C. Keese. 56 Dr. Eastman is now confined at the 84 Mary 1 Fletcher hospital In Burling 23 I (on with a fractured hip causec 48 from a falL 15 Miss Cecelia Boise of Cornwall 431 heft Saturday for Albany, N. to 37 take a cosmeticians course.

She has 51 jrecently been employed by J. C. 124 Swanson. I 57 Lt. and Mrs.

John Kent of Wash-31 lngton. are visiting her parents, Mr. 12 and Mrs. Peter Hincks. 43 I Mr.

and Mrs. Arthur Hinman are 178 spending a week at Lake Dunmore. 188 They have as their guests, their 13 daughter and husband. Dr. and Mrs.

16 Victor Kemp of Philadelphia and 49 Mrs. Frank Chandler of Brandon. 46 The Baptist- Woman union will 74 meet Tuesday afternoon, with Mrs. Howard AverilL 1 51 Lt. Charles Ross, a former resi-25 (dent, who visited his aunt and un-17 jele, Mr.

and Mrs. R. N. Holmes, is 51 now at camp at Long Point. His 91 sister.

Mrs. William Brooks, and 34 Miss Marian Holmes were there for 30 the week-end. 25 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Peet of 34 Scotch Plain, N.

were week-end I i guests of Miss Elizabeth Schuster. 38 Mr. and Mrs. H. N.

Marshall of 13 Pinehurst, N. were, guests last 29 week of Dr. S. S. Eddy, sr.

They 27 are h4 parents of Mrs. Maxon 58 Eddy. 1 27 Mrs. AUce Nash is visiting her 68 son, Kelsey! Nash in Hackensack, 20 N. J.I 32 Mrs.

A. W. Gove, Mrs. William 44 Fitts and Mrs. Howard Averill at-25 tended a house party for Baptist 16 warned the Junior college in I I Montpelier on Friday.

I 7 Mrs. Purrington and Miss 18 Haskell 'of Gloucester, sre 33 visiting Professor Lewis Hathawajr 19 and Mrs. Kenneth Hopper. 37 Mrs. Fred Baldwin is home after 27 receiving treatment! in the' Troy, 37 n.

hospital. 23 I Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lane and daughter, Alice, have returned from spending the summer at Friendship, Me. I 7 Dr.

and Mrs. Rj C. ilJoss spent the week-end in Barton as guests of Gerald Morse. George Schilling was In Montpe-39iier last week to attend a retreat 62 Ifor ministers. I 53 1 Mr.

and Mrs. B. Aines have as 29 their guest, their grandson, Sgt. 20 Philip D. Aines, jr.

who is on a 27 furlough from the Halloran General 67 hospital, Staten Island, N. Y. Mr. 72 and Mrs. Philip Aines, -whe 1 visited 9 them have returned to New Ro-4? chelle, N.

Y. 1 35 George McHugh of Burlipgton, a 47 former resident of Middlebury, 56 employed at the Middlebury inn. Miss Alice Hemenway has re-urned to Jersey City. N. after spending the summer with her 59 16 26 133 16 16 45 iei Tt 'I 1 SI ft ported hearing some noise about 1 3,, and! Dr.

1:30 oclock yesterday morning, but I had seen no one and there was bo Miss Catherine A. Clifford presid-other indication of the probable I organ and James F. Far time of the break, the police report I rcU Vocai olsiyduring the showed, except that it was between closing time about 12:30 yesterday recep- morning and the reotening about 0 .71 brwal party and guests oclock. was held at Burroughs lodge in Leave Your Dry Cleaning at DANBY! CASH STORE Danby Phone 3-R12 Pick-ups Monday and Thursday RUTLAND CLEANERS St. Joseph academy and is empoly- Gt ed as secretary for the Green Greyhound Corp Mountain council.

Boy Scouts of Gillette Safety America. I i IHomestake Mining The bridegroom is a graduate Inti Harvester of West Rutland High school andllntl Nickel Providence college, and attended itnl Paper Com i Long Island College hospital. Brook- Inti Tel Tel lyn, N. Y. He conducts a clinical Illinois Central i laboratory in this city.

Johns-Manville I Out of town guests at the wedding Kennecott Copper included Mr: and Mrs. George Lehigh Coal Navig Carmody and Miss Eileen Bliss of Lockheed Springfield, Massi Comdr. and MrsJLoews 1 John J. Brown and daughters. Vera Mack Trucks 1 and Joan, of Bellerose, L.

Charles Martin, Glenn I L. Castle, CM2c of Quonset Point, Montgomery Ward R. Mr. and Mrs. P.

J. Fitzsimon Nash Kelvinator of Olmsteadville, N. Miaa Cecil Nat'l Dairies 1 Duval of 1 Washington and -Mrs. Natl Distillers I Hallie Merchant of Albany, N. Y.

New York Central After a motor trip through Can- North American Co ada, Mr. and Mrs. Bliss will reside North Amer Aviation in West Rutland, 1 Packard Pari Amer Airways Judge Leamy to Preside nTMtaefict N.Y. Court Next Month Senny1J1ama Pepsi-Cola i Because Judge James P. Leamy will sit in United States District fSriSif-f1 3 court in New York during October, the schedule for the October term orP.l I Vermont has been changed somewhat The petit jurors will not report for duty in Rutland until a November 5, Judge Leamy has n-nounced.

The grand jury, which will Rten I OilrfI i 111 Apiminfil racaa si I SWRuftrO to facts in criminal cases slated for Clark H. Mason of North- Main I ary Hanrahan, street, station owner, estimated damage tp the cash register and gum machine a far greater than the small amount of cash realized by the i WPS FOR QUALITY Company, Long Island 1 Franchised Bottler; PEPSI-COLA BOTTLING CO.joF BURLINGTON Womens Club Federation Sponsors Radio Programs The first of a series of Vermont Federation of Womens clubs radio programs, giving state federation news and information on projects sponsored by the state and general federations, will be broadcast over the Waterbury station from to 11 oclock this morning and over the Burlington station from 2:30 to 2:45 oclock this afternoon, according to Mrs, Clarence St Mary of Rutland, state radio chairman, Mrs. Rupert Spencer of (Water bpry will broadcast the first program and Mrs. L. Thomas of Bur lmgton has arranged the second.

Both are members of the Federa tion state radio eommdtte The script was prepared by Mrs. St Mary. The programs will continue every second Monday at the same time. 1 the petit jury session, if sufficient evidence is found to warrant hold-ing the persons concerned, has been summoned to convene' at Windsor subW Steel Western Maryland Western Union A WestinghouseE lee Woolworth, on MRS. CARRIGAN, PITTSFORD, RECEIVES SONS AWARD.

(Special to The Herald.) 9. Miss Barbara Pouhet, Miss Jane Powers. Mrs. Francis Eddy and Mrs. Thomas Candon, close friends of the bride, served refreshments.

The bride was graduated from Rutland High school and she attended Bostonj university. Capt, Heffernan is a graduate or Thayer academy, Braintree, in 1927 and Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1931. After their wedding trip to Banff and Lake Louise, Alta, Capt Heffernan, on leave after three and a half year in the Pacific, will report for reassignment. The bride will return to Rutland to remain for the present i I Out-of-town guests at the wedding included Mr. and Mrs.

Edward V. Heffernan and Mrs. H. J. Landry of BiVintree, Mass, Mrs.

Thomas A. Leonard of Brookline, Mass, Mrs, J. J.i Flaherty of South Braintree, Mass, and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Scudder of Palmeijj, Mass, Carnival Worker And Motorist Fined1 Here I i A motorist and a carnival worker were fined in Municipal court Saturday by Judge Milford K.

Smith after complaints had been entered by Grand Juror Hayden i G. La-Brake. jiJI i Spencer Shepard, 47, Middlebury farmer, admitted that he failed I tfi atop his automobile at a red light at Wales street and Strongs avenue on September 8 and was taxed $5 and costs of 08.30, Paul Craig, 1 20, of Dunn, N. colored worker at the fair, pleaded guilty to disturbing the peace on September 6 and 7 by quarreling with Eleanor Craig and the cou; assessed him $5 and costs of $10.30. MILILOW3 SPECIAL RESEnVE 'll 1 Ptr many ytortyk ffamaajaf Btllewt hot btn Zesssr io lie fitld af Htht fina mkltkUrt 1 More haa prodneairafUtkl vkhktydIlcala and yat amply fall af flavor? Watacomnum4 njenway.

to jko dicrtmlnotintatta' PITTSFORD, Sept Mrs. Thom-1 as W. Carrigan has received the Bronze Star awarded for heroic Youngstown achievement to her son, Capt. James C. Carrigan, USMCR, In the Pacific area LET VS HOLD YOUR MORTGAGE AVERAGES Industrials )Vet Rutland Caravan Craft Hours 9-6.

FrL Sat. mother, Mrs. Nellie 'He: I 176.61 176.98 Up .65 1 Up .37 55.46t 55.32 Off .34 1 Off 1.12 33.76 33.64 Up .01 Off .12 5 more sale days at Shop, 25 Pleasant Street. adv. Leave Your Dry Rails UtiUties 1 mrom9Aa mttt uenatmer Miss Weekend Biit Iso Recoil'd approximate transactions Total Friday, Saturday, 390,000, Shirley Rozell has returned to Schenectady, N.

after having spent a few days as a guest of her cousin. Miss Doris Hewitt of Marble street and at her1 home in i In Mississippi a voter I must be able to read any section of the Constitution or tie able to understand the same when read to him or give a reasonable interpretation thereof. i i i Cleaning at the EMILO CLOTHING ST0RE I 5 Merchants Row. Phone 233-R MIDDLEBURY Pick-nps on Mon. and Thnr.

RUTLAND CLEANERS 86 Proof 66Jj grain 1 neutral spirit or ia 1 GasiimiEiicnt you are buying, building refinancing a home come and see us about a low-'co ii 1 mortgage to suit your particul needs. 'l I M'l 111 You will discover why' sq many home owners have arH ranged their mortgage financing here at our hank. i Manchester I Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cadaret and daughter, Virginia, have moved to West Rupert and will live! In the house (formerly owned by Mrs, Cadarets grandparents, thelate Mr.

and Mfs. Shlldon Morey. 1 The Congregational church school began its fall session Sunday, The Zion Episcopal Sunday school will reopen on September 16. Mr. and Mrs.

Harold B. Childs and daughters are spending a vaca-j tion at Lake St. Catherine. Guests (for a few days included Mrs. Zera S.

Rared and Miss Ruth Brown of Bellows Falls, Miss Katherine Livingston, i Miss Mary F. Mahar, Miss Maxidale Knoop and Mrs. Addie Knoop. 1 '1 Rutland sweltered with I all New England in the September heat wave which sent the mercury skyrocketing to the, 84-degree mark yesterday aftei it had touched 90 Saturday, the high humidity adding to the discomfort of everybody. I Weather bureau records show that mid-summer heat iff September is not unusUal in Rutland; in fact, lt is the rule rather than the exception.

During the 28 years 1 in which the federal government has maintained a 1 station here there have been Only five Septembers in 1918, 1 1926, 1935, 1938 and 1940' when the mercury did not climb into the high 80s or 90s. 1 Outstanding were 1921, when there were 11 consecutive days when the official high thermometer readings ran from 81 to 92, and 1931, when the top marks were 90 to 92 on five consecutive days, September 10-14, inclusive. On September 3, 4 and 5,1 1929, the high readings were 92. 93 and 94, respectively, and on September 1, 2 and 3, 1937 90, 91 and 93, respectively. I 0l CrftMxh, doa, A BETTER BLEND FOR BETTER DRINKS THE MARBLE SAVINGS Member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation tun Leave Your Dry Cleaning at Willy Grocery Store Pick-ups Mondays and Thursdays Manchester Phone 88 RUTLAND CLEANERS Glenmore Distilleries Company Incorporated Louisville, Kentucky REfiliiaiP Oiraffifet) ggrotKa 171 St.

Paul St TeL 346. 1 Burlington, Vt. rrVCWJ rv- Blended VPbtskey, 86.8 Proof 6S Grain Neutral Spirits V. 1.

Rutland Daily Herald from Rutland, Vermont (2024)
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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

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Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.