Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (2024)

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (1)

Practical Management of Type 2 Practical Management of Type 2 Diabetes During the Holy Month Diabetes During the Holy Month

of Ramadanof Ramadan

Dr. Md. Farid UddinDr. Md. Farid UddinHead, Endocrine Unit Head, Endocrine Unit

BSMMU, DhakaBSMMU, Dhaka

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (2)

Diabetes & RamadanDiabetes & Ramadan

Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic diseaseDiabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease

Fasting is one of the five pillars of IslamFasting is one of the five pillars of Islam

About 50 million people with Diabetes fast About 50 million people with Diabetes fast during Ramadanduring Ramadan

Recent Advancements give us the opportunity Recent Advancements give us the opportunity to offer the patients have a normal or near to offer the patients have a normal or near normal lifenormal life

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (3)

Frequently asked questions during Frequently asked questions during RamadanRamadan

Can a diabetic patient fast?Can a diabetic patient fast?

What are the risks & benefits What are the risks & benefits associated with fasting?associated with fasting?

What about diet and exercise?What about diet and exercise?

How to adjust drugs?How to adjust drugs?

How to monitor blood sugar?How to monitor blood sugar?

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (4)

Can a diabetic patient Can a diabetic patient fast during Ramadan? fast during Ramadan?

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (5)

International Medical Recommendation For Muslim Subjects

With Diabetes Mellitus Who Fast During The Month Of Ramadan

Diabetes and Ramadan Advisory Board

Clinical Diabetes ( Middle East Edition)- Volume 3, Number 3, 2004

Chairman: Ibrahim SALTI, Lebanon

Abdul JABBAR, PakistanMembers:

• Kamel AJONI, Jordan

• Khalid AL- RUBEAAN, Saui Arabia

• Fahmy AMARA, Egypt

• Mohamed BELHADI, Algeria

• Jamalledine BELKHADIR, Morocco

• Aissa BOUDIBA, Algeria

• Said Nouou DIOP, Senegal

• Ugur GROPE, Turkey

• Farid HAKKOU, Morocco

• Ak. Azad Khan, Bangladesh

• Adrien L. LOKROU, Ivory Coast

• Jean Claude MBANYA, Cameroon

• Khemais NAGATI, Tunisia

• Nadim RAIS, India

• Pradana SOEWONDO, Indonesia

• W. N. WAN BEBAKER, Malaysia

A Population-Based Study of Diabetes and Its

Characteristics During the Fasting Month of Ramadan in 13 Countries (EPIDIAR)


International Medical Recommendation For Muslim Subjects

With Diabetes Mellitus Who Fast During The Month Of Ramadan

Diabetes and Ramadan Advisory Board

Clinical Diabetes ( Middle East Edition)- Volume 3, Number 3, 2004

Chairman: Ibrahim SALTI, Lebanon

Abdul JABBAR, PakistanMembers:

• Kamel AJONI, Jordan

• Khalid AL- RUBEAAN, Saui Arabia

• Fahmy AMARA, Egypt

• Mohamed BELHADI, Algeria

• Jamalledine BELKHADIR, Morocco

• Aissa BOUDIBA, Algeria

• Said Nouou DIOP, Senegal

• Ugur GROPE, Turkey

• Farid HAKKOU, Morocco

• AK. Azad Khan, Bangladesh

• Adrien L. LOKROU, Ivory Coast

• Jean Claude MBANYA, Cameroon

• Khemais NAGATI, Tunisia

• Nadim RAIS, India

• Pradana SOEWONDO, Indonesia

• W. N. WAN BEBAKER, Malaysia

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (6)


MonitoringEducation & Motivation



Oral Agents

Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (7)

Treatment Goal for type 2 diabetes

<150 mg/dl (<1.7 mmol/L)TG

<100 mg/dl (<2.6 mmol/L)LDL

>40 mg/dl (> 1.1 mmol/L)HDL

<200 mg/dl (<5.2 mmol/L)Total Cholesterol


110-150 mg/dl (6.1–8.3 mmol/L)


<160 mg/dl (<8.8 mmol/L)PPG

90-130 mg/dl (5-7.2mmol/L)FPG

<130/80 mm HgBP

<25 kg/ m²BMI

Therapeutic GoalsParameter

Diabetes Care Jan, 2009

Smoking NO

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (8)

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (9)

Things Happened During RamadanThings Happened During Ramadan

Eating habits change in many waysEating habits change in many ways– Meal time changeMeal time change– Pattern of mealPattern of meal– Calorie intakeCalorie intakeIncreased in post prandial physical activity Increased in post prandial physical activity during the nighttimes associated with during the nighttimes associated with Tarawih.Tarawih.Psychological changes due to the general Psychological changes due to the general spiritual atmosphere during Ramadan, which spiritual atmosphere during Ramadan, which create a feeling of inner well-beingcreate a feeling of inner well-being

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (10)

General advice for those who fastGeneral advice for those who fast

Consult your (Muslim) doctor firstConsult your (Muslim) doctor firstPractice fasting in Shaban firstPractice fasting in Shaban firstWith the approval of physician switch to either With the approval of physician switch to either long acting or twice daily medicationlong acting or twice daily medicationElderly patients on NSAID should have Elderly patients on NSAID should have frequent monitoring of renal functionsfrequent monitoring of renal functionsAnticoagulant and Antiepileptic medications Anticoagulant and Antiepileptic medications should be given at night should be given at night

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (11)

Individualization Individualization

Care must be individualizedCare must be individualized

The management plan will differ for The management plan will differ for each specific patientseach specific patients

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (12)

Education & Counseling Education & Counseling

Educate the patients regarding– Acute complications & their

management– Blood sugar monitoring– Meal planning– Physical activity– Drug adjustment

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (13)

What about diet & What about diet & exercise?exercise?

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (14)

Diet in RamadanDiet in Ramadan

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (15)

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (16)

Exercise in RamadanExercise in Ramadan

Physical activity should be reduced during

day time

Exercise can be performed for an hour

after Iftar

Increased prayer during Ramadan should

be taken into account

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (17)

Adjustment of DrugsAdjustment of Drugs

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (18)

Full morning dose at Iftar and half of the usual evening dose at Suhur

Sulfonylureas twice daily, e.g., gliclazide 80mg/ glibenclamide 5mg

Patients on oral hypoglycemic agents

No change is needed (modify time & intensity of exercise), ensure adequate fluid intake

Patients on diet and exercise control

During RamadanBefore Ramadan

Dose should be taken at IftarOnce daily sulfonylureas.

Metformin, 1,000 mg at Iftar, 500 mg at Suhur

Biguanide, e.g., Metformin 500 mg thrice daily

Treatment RecommendationsTreatment Recommendations

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (19)

Treatment RecommendationsTreatment Recommendations

Should be used as usualRepaglinide & Natiglinide

No change is neededThiazolidinedione

During RamadanBefore Ramadan

At IftarDPP4 inhibitor

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (20)

Ramadan and Insulin

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (21)

Treatment RecommendationsTreatment Recommendations

Use the usual morning dose at Iftar and half of the usual evening dose at Suhur. e.g., 70/30 premixed insulin, 30 units in evening and 10 units in morning; also consider changing to insulin analogue

e.g., 70/30 premixed insulin twice daily30 units in morning and 20 units in evening

Patients on insulin

During RamadanBefore Ramadan

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (22)

0 2 4 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24


sma In





NPH (12–16 hr)

Regular (6–8 hr)

Glargine (~22 hr)

Aspart,, Lispro (4–5 hr)

Ultralente (~16–20 hr )

Insulin Profiles – schematic (duration)

Detemir (~20 hr)

INSULIN THERAPY in Diabetes Mellitus


Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (23)

Insulin Analogue in Ramadan:• Insulin analogues may help to make fasting safe &


• Insulin analogues allows the patient to plan mealtimes in a more flexible way since they can be injected immediately before or soon after the meal.

• Clinical studies show glycemic control is better with insulin analogue

• Less chance of hypoglycemia

• Consider switching human short and premixed insulin to analogue insulin to improve postprandial glucose control and reduce the risk of hypoglycaemic events

Akbani M.F. et al., Practical Diabetes International, 2005; vol 22, No. 3: 100-104

Al-Arouj M. et al., Diabetes Care, 2005; vol 28: No 9: 2305-2311

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (24)

Basal-Bolus concept to fit in Ramadan(Insulin Analog)



Insulin Detemir

Rapid Acting Analog

(Insulin Aspart)

Rapid Acting Analog

(Insulin Aspart)

Rapid Acting Analog

(Insulin Aspart)



Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (25)

• Patients need to be reminded of the importance to continue insulin therapy

• Patients on premixed insulin should take their normal morning dose with Iftar and half their usual evening dose with Sehri

• Patients taking insulin 3 times in a day can take combined morning and after lunch dose during iftar and half of the evening dose during sohour

• Patients taking insulin once in a day can take during ifter.

Summary of the guideline for insulin therapy:

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (26)

What about blood What about blood glucose monitoring?glucose monitoring?

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (27)

Monitoring Recommendations Monitoring Recommendations

Patients should monitor their blood glucose even Patients should monitor their blood glucose even during the fast to recognize subclinical hypo and during the fast to recognize subclinical hypo and


2 hours post suhur and one hour pre iftar are likely to 2 hours post suhur and one hour pre iftar are likely to pick subclinical hypoglycemiapick subclinical hypoglycemia

1-2 hours post iftar is likely to pick subclinical 1-2 hours post iftar is likely to pick subclinical hyperglycemiahyperglycemia

If blood glucose is noted to be low (<60md/dl), the If blood glucose is noted to be low (<60md/dl), the fast must be brokenfast must be broken

If blood glucose is noted to be (>300mg/dl), ketones If blood glucose is noted to be (>300mg/dl), ketones in urine should be checked and medical advice sought.in urine should be checked and medical advice sought.

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (28)

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (29)

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (30)

Awareness: PostersAwareness: Posters

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (31)

Ramadan Awareness Activities byRamadan Awareness Activities byBangladesh Endocrine Society & DABBangladesh Endocrine Society & DAB

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (32)

Awareness: SymposiumAwareness: Symposium

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (33)

Awareness: Physician’s GuidelineAwareness: Physician’s Guideline

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (34)

Awareness: Print MediaAwareness: Print Media

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (35)

Awareness: Press ConferenceAwareness: Press Conference

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (36)


Majority of uncomplicated type 2 diabetic Majority of uncomplicated type 2 diabetic patients can fast during Ramadan safelypatients can fast during Ramadan safely

Pre-ramadan education and motivation is Pre-ramadan education and motivation is very important to prevent diabetic related very important to prevent diabetic related complicationscomplications

Islam allows diabetics to have regular blood Islam allows diabetics to have regular blood test while fastingtest while fasting

Individualization and frequent monitoring of Individualization and frequent monitoring of glycemia can significantly reduced the major glycemia can significantly reduced the major risks associated with fasting during Ramadanrisks associated with fasting during Ramadan

Fasting along with regular prayer have been Fasting along with regular prayer have been proved to aid in better control of diabetesproved to aid in better control of diabetes

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (37)


Prof. N Islam- National Professor Prof. A R Khan Prof. M A Taher Prof. Hajera Mahtab Prof. A K Azad Khan Maulana Mohiuddin Khan Prof. Naseem Akhter Chowdhury Prof. Zafar A Latif Prof. Faruque Pathan Prof. Md. Nazrul Islam Siddiqui Dr. M A Hasanat Dr. Mahboob Ullah

Department of Endocrine Medicine, BSMMU BIRDEM

The Daily Star Prothom-Alo

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (38)

Thank youThank you

Welcome the holy month Welcome the holy month RamadanRamadan

Dr farid uddin - [PPT Powerpoint] (2024)


Who is the father of PPT? ›

Microsoft PowerPoint, virtual presentation software developed by Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin for the American computer software company Forethought, Inc.

How to prepare PPT for college? ›

Keep It Simple and Clear
  1. Where possible, include a heading for each slide.
  2. Use bulleted points and avoid long sentences (it is often suggested that you include no more than 6 lines per slide or 6 words per line)
  3. Font size: 30 - 48 point for titles, 24 - 28 for text.
  4. Avoid all capital letters.

How much was PowerPoint purchased for? ›

It was released on April 20, 1987, initially for Macintosh computers only. Microsoft acquired PowerPoint for about $14 million three months after it appeared. This was Microsoft's first significant acquisition, and Microsoft set up a new business unit for PowerPoint in Silicon Valley where Forethought had been located.

What is the full meaning of PPT? ›

PPT stands for PowerPoint Presentation. The name abbreviation makes it easy for you to recognise presentation files on your device. They appear as: [Title]. PPT in your files.

How can I practice PPT presentation? ›

Rehearse your presentation
  1. Select Slide Show > Rehearse Timings.
  2. Select the Next arrow to go to the next slide. ...
  3. Select the Pause icon if you want to pause recording. ...
  4. When you reach the end of the presentation, select Yes to save the slide timings, or No if you don't want to save them.

Which topic is better for PPT? ›

Some of the best presentation topic ideas for students center around topics such as current events, education, general culture, health, life skills, literature, media and science.

Can I make a PPT online? ›

Go to powerpoint.office.com. , and then select PowerPoint. Select New blank presentation, open a Recent file, select one of the themes, or start with a presentation template. To name the presentation, select the title at the top and type a name.

What is the best sentence to start a presentation? ›

Presentation Starting Phrases
  • I'd like to start by…
  • Today, I'm here to discuss…
  • Let's begin with a look at…
  • Good morning/afternoon/evening, my name is…
  • It's a pleasure to be here today to talk about…
  • Let's dive straight into…
  • I would like to kick off with…
  • Firstly, let's consider…
Jun 21, 2023

How do you introduce yourself in a presentation? ›

Hi everyone, my name is [your name]. I'm a [your job title] at [your company]. I'm excited to be here today to [explain why you're there]. You can also add a personal touch to your introduction by sharing a fun fact about yourself or by asking the audience a question.

Who is the father of pue? ›

In an exclusive interview, InterGlobix Magazine's Editor-in-Chief Jasmine Bedi talks with Microsoft's Vice President (and Distinguished Engineer) of Datacenter Advanced Development Christian Belady, the inventor of PUE, also known as the “Father of PUE”.

Who invented Microsoft PowerPoint? ›

Given below are a few important things that one must know about the development and introduction of Microsoft PowerPoint: The program was created in a software company named Forethought, Inc. by Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin.

Who is the father of Howard Wagner's? ›

Answer and Explanation: Howard Wagner's father's name is Frank. Willy worked for Frank Wagner for over thirty years, and even named Howard. Although Willy worked for the company for thirty years, he has become unable to travel to make his sales.

Who is the father of apt? ›

Douglas T. Ross is considered by many to be the father of APT: as head of the newly created Computer Applications Group of the Servomechanisms Laboratory at MIT in 1956, he led its technical effort.

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.