Diablo 4: Season 4 Best Classes & Build Tier List (2025)

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There’s always that one big question with five possible answers in Diablo 4 whenever a new Season commences. What’s the best class? Season 4 coupled with the Loot Reborn update has made some rather dramatic changes. This has shaken up the meta once more. And with that in mind, it’s high time we re-evaluate the best classes in Diablo 4 Season 4 along with a build tier list to help get you started.

D4 Season 4 Best Classes Ranking

This is my take so it’s not exactly an absolute metric. But based on the variety of builds and which ones perform well, this is what I consider as the fair ranking for all the five classes.

From the worst to the best. Here they are. The build tier list comes later.

5. Barbarian

Surprisingly, Hammer of the Ancients and Whirlwind don’t seem that hot anymore, and with Barbarian mostly being limited to melee builds, variety somewhat suffers.


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Moreover, most Barbarian builds seem to still be reliant on Shouts minus a couple of boss-killer builds (which perform terribly on any other gameplay area). You’ll get some impressive Uber Lilith kill clips and bragging rights, sure, but Necromancers, Rogues, and even Sorcerers will be zooming past you in Helltides unless you regress back to Shouts.

4. Druid

Druid at least has plenty of variety in its ability kit. All you have to do to get to the fun part of the class is to endure its slow leveling process. Yes, the Druid is still quite a slow class to level compared to something like the Rogue or the Necromancer.

What you get, as an end product for all that grind is a class that you can take just about anywhere. The Werewolf Tornado Druid, in particular, has proven to be a top performer this Season, even at this early stage.

3. Sorcerer

Sorcerers have come a long way in Diablo 4 and in Season 4, they have proven to be quite a popular choice. This class has received lots of buffs across the board, particularly with Incinerate and Frozen Orb and other Frost skills.

The developers have also addressed the Sorcerer’s squishiness and added more damage reduction opportunities.


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As always, however, Sorcerers are still terrible when it comes to killing bosses fast. Don’t expect your default or random Sorcerer build to be able to take on Uber Lilith or the other Uber bosses.

2. Rogue

Rogue remains a glass cannon as always, but at least they can be fun in the right hands. Most Rogue builds for Diablo 4 Season 4 excel well in killing bosses, and they still perform decently in endgame areas and the newly added Pit.

More than anything, they’re still fun to play, even though the risk is a little too high if you just keep spamming movement skills. Shadowstep Rogue is highly regarded right now as one of the fastest builds for rushing through difficult content.

Meanwhile, bow Rogue builds still wreck bosses with little effort as long as you get lucky with gear.

1. Necromancer

I swear, this rotmaxxing edge-lord is top-tier every season in Diablo 4. So it’s no surprise that the Necromancer is at the top again.

At times, it can feel like just about any obvious build you can come up with for the Necromancer in Diablo 4 Season 4 will excel in both boss killing and endgame farming. You can feel most of the changes with his minions; if you have them out, they’ll practically play the game for you in Helltides.


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If you need to kill bosses fast, you can just switch to a Bone Spirit build– but even Minion Necromancers perform well against bosses. Personally, I got tired of running Necromancer every season so I picked the Sorcerer, but if you want easy mode for Diablo 4 Season 4, then Minion Necromancer is the way to go.

D4 Build Tier List for Season 4

For the sake of brevity, I’ve combined boss-killing builds with endgame farming builds. And by endgame, I’m referring to high-tier Nightmare Dungeons (level 100+), the Pit, or the new Uber bosses.

As for the tier explanations,

  • S – Overpowered builds that you can take almost anywhere in-game.
  • A – Excellent builds that are great for either boss-killing or endgame farming (but usually not both).
  • B – Good enough, but it won’t amaze you if you’ve tried out S or A-tier builds.
  • C – Borderline janky but if you want to be unique or are tired of the meta, we’re not judging.

I’ll be adding a separate list of good leveling builds below, but you’ll grow out of those builds quickly anyway.


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Without further ado, here’s which builds to try out or avoid in Diablo 4 Season 4.

S – Tier-Minion Necromancer
-Bone Spirit Necromancer
-Werewolf Tornado Druid
A – Tier-One Shot Bow Rogue
-Shadow Step Rogue
-Bash Barbarian
-Deathblow Kicker Barbarian
-Double Swing Barbarian
-Firebolt/Firewall Sorcerer
-Frozen Orb Sorcerer
-Blizzard Sorcerer
-Infinimist Necromancer
-Hurricane Druid
-Lightning Storm Druid
B – Tier-Thorns Barbarian
-HotA Barbarian
-Whirlwind Barbarian
-Upheaval Barbarian
-Ball Lightning Sorcerer
-Arc Lash Sorcerer
-Meteor Sorcerer
-Ice Shards Sorcerer
-Fireball Sorcerer
-Bone Spear Necromancer
-Sever Necromancer
-Stormclaw Druid
-Barrage Rogue
C – Tier-Twisting Blades Rogue
-Trap Rogue
-Flurry Rogue
-Hydra Sorcerer
-Chain Lightning Sorcerer
-Leapquake Barbarian
-Rend Barbarian
-Trampleslide Druid
-Pulverize Druid
-Blood Lance Necromancer

Long story short, if you’re looking for the best, just pick Necromancer (again). Druid is also a good alternative, but there’s less variety if you’re looking for satisfying overpowered builds.


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If you do value the journey more than the destination, then some leveling builds are in order. I will have to remind you that this time around, leveling from 1-50 is so quick that you’ll rapidly outgrow these builds before you can savor them.

Best Leveling Builds in D4 Season 4

-Double Swing
Sorcerer-Chain Lightning
-Penetrating Shot
Druid-Lightning Storm
-Blood Surge

Once you’ve reached level 50, that’s when you can start transitioning into one of the builds in the tier list I mentioned.

Also, here’s a tip, if you prefer the smoothest leveling experience, avoid Druid as it’s really slow compared to other classes. Only pick Druid if you really want to play as a Werewolf in the endgame. Barbarian is also slow, but it’s not as much of a snooze-fest as Druid leveling.

Diablo 4 is available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox X/S.

Diablo 4: Season 4 Best Classes & Build Tier List (2025)
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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.